LGBTQ+ & Gender
Use data and insights to understand and act on the “why” driving the purchase decisions of different genders and LGBTQ+ consumers. The LGBTQ+ community may be as large as 34 million American adults. And by 2023, women are expected to control $10–$20T of investable assets.
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Passion Points are the activities and areas in life of deep interest to consumers, and they’re unique for the LGBTQ+ community. Learn more in this presentation.
LGBTQ+ & Gender Consumer Insights
Understand the root causes of backlash and discover invaluable guidance for marketers and CMOs to authentically engage with the modern…
Understand what Halo Effects are and how your brand can break the tradeoff between spend that targets diverse segments and…
An exclusive look at the actionable cultural insights that help brands authentically engage today’s diverse America.