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Top Brands for Hispanic Consumers: Learnings, Activations and More

Hispanic consumers are America’s fastest-growing multicultural group projected to nearly double in size over the next 40 years. To meet our members needs in learning how to best market to Hispanic consumers, we’re sharing a select list of top-ranking brands that resonate uniquely well with this segment and providing sample insights that showcase how to best connect with these consumers.

Fill out the form to download an excerpt from The Top Brands for Hispanic Consumers Analysis from CultureRate:Brand.

This list is based on our analysis of 510 brands tested in 2022 through our CultureRate:Brand process. CultureRate:Brand provides a one-stop solution for our members’ mounting need for a comprehensive, ongoing analysis of the cultural fluency of their brands.

At Collage, we measure cultural fluency by gauging consumer sentiment across 6 key dimensions: Relevance, Fit, Memories, Trust, Advocacy, and Values. These dimensions are weighed and combined to create the Brand Cultural Fluency Quotient (B-CFQ) score. The B-CFQ score gives our members crucial insights into their brand’s resonance across different consumer segments and strategies for improvement.

From all the brands we tested in 2022, we’ve identified the top brands for Hispanic consumers based on their average B-CFQ score and then selected four brands that perform uniquely well with this consumer segment compared to non-Hispanic consumers.

Download our sample insights above which offers a glimpse into the relevant learnings on what top brands are doing to resonate with Hispanic consumers, and how brands benefit from cross-segment appeal through halo effects. Members can use the full report as a benchmark to compare to and learn from top performing brands for Hispanic consumers.

Contact us to learn how you can gain access to the full research and more in our world-class Cultural Intelligence Engine.

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