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Drive Brand Relevance with Gen Z Consumer Essentials

Discover Gen Z Americans’ unique perspectives and motivations through their evolving, complex identities and actionable Group Traits with our 2024 Gen Z Essentials, now including trended data.

Gen Z is an important and dynamic U.S. consumer cohort. As they age up into careers and their economic power grows, brands have to step up their engagement of this influential (and not-so-young-anymore) consumer group to grow with them into adulthood. In other words: Now’s the time!

This powerful study explores key areas of our consumer fundamentals research: identity and Group Traits to help your brand authentically connect with Gen Z Americans.

Fill out the form to download our report for relevant insights on how to engage Gen Z consumers.

What Surprised Us 

Self-discovery isn’t slowing down as Gen Z ages into adulthood. Race, gender and sexuality are all increasing in importance as part of their sense of identity. All three saw significant jumps from 2022, reflecting the criticality of intersectional identity in Gen Z.

Why It Matters

Gen Z is the generation least likely to be satisfied with their portrayal in advertising. There’s significant room for improvement for brands to portray Gen Z in the same way they see themselves, by reflecting their complex layers of identity.

The Big Picture

  1. Collectively Unique. Celebrating differences is a core feature of Gen Z. Transcending the old trade off between individuality and collectivism, they are collectively, individual.
  2. Optimistic Under Pressure. Gen Z feels the pressure of looking to the future in an unstable present. But as a result, they are enabling change on an individual basis, and pushing brands to do the same.

Key Insight #1: Collective Individuality Group Trait

Know This: Gen Z gravitates toward their own unique qualities and the individuality of others. Counter-intuitively, this creates a shared bond for the generation.

Do This: Toss out ideas of identity that typify older generations. Utilize specific stories and cultural nuance to resonate with Gen Z’s collective celebration of individual differences.

Try This: Build messaging around Gen Z’s fascination with singular stories.

Key Insight #2: Game-Changing Group Trait

Know This: Gen Z believes in their ability to impact the world, and they focus on the future as an antidote to the harsh realities of today.

Do This: Be future-focused and highlight how your brand and company are investing in the future now.

Try This: Externally promote internal company policies and practices that Gen Z cares about with the same vigor as product-based messaging.

Key Insight #3: Pressured Group Trait

Know This: Gen Z has set a high bar for themselves, and the scourge of comparison on social media only magnifies this pressure to meet their own ideals.

Do This: Rescue Gen Z from the comparison dilemma by pulling back the curtain on what they idealize online. Promote low-fi options for connection that are a balm to the pressures of social media.

Contact us for more research on how to connect with Gen Z consumers and learn how to connect with the new, diverse American mainstream and make your ad a winner.

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