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Top Ads for Gen Z

Read below and download our report to see the top culturally fluent ads among Gen Z consumers.

Culturally fluent ads use culture to efficiently and effectively connect across segments. In this report, we share the topmost culturally fluent ads for Gen Z consumers through our CultureRate:Ad methodology. CultureRate:Ad provides a one-stop solution for our members’ mounting need for a comprehensive, ongoing analysis of the cultural fluency of their ads.

At Collage, we measure cultural fluency by gauging consumer sentiment across 4 key dimensions: Brand Fit, Relevance, Message, and Enjoyment. These dimensions are weighed and combined to create the Ad Cultural Fluency Quotient (A-CFQ) score. The A-CFQ score gives members crucial insights into their ad’s resonance across different consumer segments and where to focus strategies for improvement. We’ve identified the top ads for Gen Z consumers through their average A-CFQ score and differentiation against Millennial consumers.

Fill out the form to download an excerpt from Top Ads for Gen Z Consumers: Learnings, Activations, and More and read below for all the latest insights on this segment.

The Big Picture

Top ads are fluent in Gen Z’s social media culture and help to champion their values through change-oriented activism.

Why It Matters

Gen Z are harsh critics, they’re quick to spot performative work and inauthentic engagement. Beware of the risk of alienating this segment by demonstrated lack of fluency or by trivializing Gen Z’s interests.

Top ads deftly tie in core Gen Z group traits and interests to foster resonance.

What Surprised Us

Home Depot’s use of their “The Home Depot Beat” theme song in their ad “Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Spring” propelled the ad to a top ranking spot and drove high cultural resonance among Gen Z. In 2019, the song became mainstream after a TikTok using it as audio went viral, and it has stayed socially relevant since. Home Depot’s ability to capitalize on the song’s success through culturally relevant social engagement highlights the importance of infusing Gen Z culture in advertising, and ultimately translated to high brand favorability with this ad.

Contact us today to learn how you can gain access to the full research and more in our world-class Cultural Intelligence Platform.

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