Understand and Embrace Black Consumer Passion Points

Learn how Black American consumers engage with Passion Points, including food, sports and fitness, travel, fashion, games, and home and garden. 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

September 9, 2022
Jenny Wolski – Analyst


Passion Points are the activities and areas of life people are deeply interested in. They are the “things” Americans prioritize when spending their time, money, and attention. In other words, Passion Points are concrete expressions of culture.

Read on and fill out the form for an excerpt from our
Black Consumer Passion Points  presentation. 

Collage Group’s coverage of Passion Points includes in-depth analysis across eight key areas of American consumers’ lives. This is the stuff Americans get fired up about and the places in which they invest their time and money. So, it’s an effective place for brands to both extend reach and deepen connection with America’s multicultural consumers. These activations can vary, from authentic creative and brand positioning to partnerships and sponsorships. In all cases, Passion Points provide critical insights for understanding which activations will be most successful.

Key Finding #1: Powerful Memories Are Made in the Kitchen

Black Americans feel at home cooking and baking in their kitchens.

Cooking is a form of comfort for Black Americans


Many Black Americans grew up in the kitchen learning how to cook from older family members. They see preparing a meal as time to spend with family, create memories, and express love and care for others through food.

Action Step:

Portray cooking and baking as a full family (plus friends) activity and emphasize the real motivator for Black Americans’ enjoyment making food at home: relationships.

Key Finding #2: Black Travelers Welcome Discomfort

Black Americans are more likely than others to travel to get out of their comfort zone, but they prefer to do so domestically in the U.S.

Black Americans like traveling to new places


Historically, prejudice followed Black Americans along with them on trips. But now, the Greenbook has evolved into influencers and Black consumers’ Group Traits of Determined, Real, Believing, and Forward-thinking merge to make this segment uniquely optimistic and adventurous travelers.

Action Step:

Boost Black Americans’ excitement for U.S. locations and weave local interests into your travel messaging.

Key Finding #3: Black Athletes Are Leaders In and Out of Their Sport

Black Americans are dedicated sports fans who follow their favorite teams, as well as the careers of specific athletes.

Black Americans are loyal to sports and athletes


Black athletes have served as American heroes for Black sports fans (and all sports fans) for decades. As a result of that earned trust and influence, Black athletes have often refused to “stick to sports” and have weighed in on important social and political issues that matter to the Black community. Since 2020, this trend has only ramped up with athletes like Lebron James, Serena Williams, Colin Kaepernick, Maya Moore, and others speaking up for equality.

Action Step:

Recognize the influence and social/political clout of Black athletes and partner with them on marketing efforts.

Contact us at the form below to learn more about how you can gain access to these diverse consumer insights and much more in our Cultural Intelligence Platform.


Other Recent Black Research Articles and Insights from Collage Group

Jenny Wolski

Jenny Wolski

Jenny is an Analyst on Collage Group’s Product & Content team. She is a 2021 graduate from The George Washington University where she studied Statistics and Sociology. In her spare time, Jenny is often on a hike enjoying nature.

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