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Pulse Check on Health in America: Multicultural Consumers

Learn how Americans across race and ethnicity engage with health and wellness, including the barriers that prevent Americans from achieving their best health, their relationships with health insurance companies, and their perceptions of and experiences with mental health.

Health and wellness are a major aspect of consumers’ daily lives. Americans spend a significant amount of time – and money – tending to their health. All brands, both within and outside of the health and wellness space, must understand consumers’ attitudes and behaviors in this key area of their lives.

Fill out the form to download an excerpt from Pulse Check on Health in America: Multicultural Consumers and read below for all the latest insights on this segment.

Collage Group’s 2023 Pulse Check on Health in America: Multicultural Consumers provides insights across race and ethnicity to:

  1. Overcome health barriers,
  2. Build health insurance partnerships,
  3. Destigmatize mental health.

What surprised us:

Even though all health insurance companies have some form of mental health coverage, there is a substantial gap in knowledge about mental health coverage. Many Americans, especially Asian Americans, are unsure if their health insurance even offers this coverage.

Why it matters:

Mental health coverage is top-of-mind for Americans when considering health insurance, so creating easily accessible and straightforward resources that explain your brand’s mental health coverage is crucial to bridge the knowledge gap.

The Big Picture:

  1. Multicultural Americans crave partnership on their healthcare journey. They recognize the impact of a multitude of factors on their health and are more open than White Americans to support from insurance companies and other healthcare providers.
  2. Culturally competent care is a requirement, not a nice-to-have. Providers must develop communications, care practices, and follow-ups all through a cultural lens. Racial and ethnic barriers must be addressed directly to build trust and provide effective care to Multicultural Americans.

Key Insight #1: Overcome Health Barriers

Know This:

Multicultural Americans, especially Black Americans, are hyperaware of identity-related barriers impeding quality health care and want providers that go the extra mile to understand their cultural/ethnic background and the health risks associated with it.

Do This:

  • Train providers in culturally competent care and then communicate how your providers excel in interacting with diverse patients.
  • Prove your worth by sharing patient testimonials.

Key Insight #2: Build Health Insurance Partnerships

Know This:

Hispanics and Black Americans are most open to support and partnership from health insurance companies.

Do This:

  • Emphasize your communication about all of the add-on tools and services you provide as Multicultural consumers’ “one-stop shop” for health and wellness.

Key Insight #3: Destigmatize Mental Health

Know This:

While Multicultural Americans are prioritizing their mental health, many still struggle with this “taboo” topic and wish brands did more to destigmatize mental health.

Do This:

  • Partner with influencers and celebrities who are mental health advocates to support open dialogue about mental health.
  • Try This: Create an opt-in email for daily reminders to go on walks, journal, practice gratitude, etc.

Contact us today learn how you can partner with us on the journey to cultural fluency and engaging diverse America.

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