Health Insurer Addresses Barriers to Entry for Health Care

A prominent health insurance company consistently struggled to enroll members of the multicultural population in a specific state.
Open Enrollment represented the perfect opportunity to reach Hispanic and Black consumers, traditionally among the most underserved communities in the state.
The company’s primary goal was to enroll more Hispanic and Black consumers in three key markets. The secondary objectives were to understand the barriers to entry in health care for these segments and utilize grassroots marketing to grow awareness and trust among these segments.

Collage Group quickly delivered relevant clients-only insights to get the marketing team up to speed on multicultural strategies.
- Syndicated research uncovered how these consumers viewed the U.S. health care system, including areas of skepticism and understanding of how the provider/payer system works.
- Collage Group surfaced data regarding how key health care decisions are made, such as how family plays a key role in the decision-making process for both segments and how important Spanish-language information is to Hispanics.

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